
David Parker
A1>A2 + FIDE
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I came to learn french to a decent standard. My curriculum was aligned with the FIDE which is the most important element. In the later stages, the courses were focused on the FIDE format. The material covered the areas of learning that were needed. I predominantly reached my goal. What I enjoy the most is the variety of people (teachers).
D. N.
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Je me suis approchée de Godeby pour obtenir l'examen FIDE B1. J'ai immédiatement reçu un programme personnalisé, qui a été adapté au fur et à mesure. Les cours sont clairs, agréables et efficaces. On m'a aidé a toujours gardé la motivation. Les profs m'ont donné des conseils et des astuces. C'était très bien. J’ai apprécié votre patience et flexibilité. J'ai obtenu haut la main mon exam. Je recommande vraiment cette école.
K. S.
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I would love to give a specific blurb for Isabelle: She is a fantastic language teacher who really supported and helped me to gain confidence in learning and speaking French. It can be so difficult to be in the position of a beginner, and Isabelle makes you feel comfortable as you're making mistakes and learning from them. Isabelle really changed my perspective and made me believe that I could do this hard thing (learn a new language!). She works hard, is very reliable, and was always reachable. Book classes with her now, I imagine she'll be booked up for a long time.
Walton Pantland
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I have come to feel confident in French. The syllabus is relevant, and we adapt it to cover areas that interest me. I am highly happy with my lessons. I wish I had time to do all the homework. The course doesn't feel like a course; it feels like an interesting conversation in French, during which I learn things.
Tess Rosenthal, Bambuzer, Station F
B2 PRO - Pack 10 hours
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I contacted Godeby as I started a new sales role, and needed to improve my level of French quickly. I found my French coach, Isabelle, who is also the founder of Godeby, in the Station F directory. She responded within the hour, and we scheduled a trial session within the following few days. During this free session, I was really impressed by her communication style and enthusiasm, so we decided on a 10-week “pack”. 1 hour per week, where we corrected my pitch, sales emails, and aligned it with my employer’s marketing collateral. Isabelle is the perfect language coach: patient, kind, yet genuinely motivated to help me improve, and works to find practical logic, and similarities between English and French, so that I better understand. She was available during the week on WhatsApp for quick questions, and updates regarding what she had revised within our shared space. I am so happy that I chose Godeby, and so grateful for the confidence that she gave me when speaking French.
Michelle H.
A0>A1 + FIDE
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I had to completed the full level Al French course with the goal of achieving the FIDE A1 for my B permit renewal. I achieved my goal, receiving FIDE A2 level passes in both the oral and written tests. The syllabus was personalised to allow me to meet my goals, particularly as I was coming from a base level of essentially zero (croissant, baguette, champagne - ha ha!) The material was all very useful in reaching my goals. Thanks so much for your teaching, but also for your continual support and encouragement and for maintaining your sense of humour!
Melissa Pocock
A2>B1 + FIDE
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I would 100% recommend Godeby. I like the confidence I gain and to know that I could learn another language. I appreciate your patience and motivating methods. I felt comfortable right away. I enjoyed working with wonderful teachers who foster an encouraging and positive learning experience. Keep being you. You are amazing! I found the material beneficial, especially the everyday material, going to the doctor, dentist, etc… I enjoyed learning how to express myself and will continue learning from you how to do it the French way and not the translated way. Our next challenge together!
E.&S. H.
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Isabelle successfully prepared our daughter for the DELF exam. She was very encouraging and supportive from the beginning, gave our daughter a boost of confidence in her own abilities and guided her through this whole process with professionalism, discipline, humor and good disposition! We were ecstatic when she passed the DELF exam at level B2 with a high score! Thank you Isabelle and team!
Ines B.
Scolaire 11P et 12P
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J'avais beaucoup de difficultés à analyser différents poèmes, mais Isabelle m'a permis de beaucoup m'améliorer. Elle m'a beaucoup aidée, en revoyant avec moi ce qui "posait problème" et en me donnant des exercices à faire chez moi. Au final, je n'ai presque plus de problèmes avec l'analyse de poèmes !
Nataliia Tereschenko, EPFL employee
Full A1, then A2
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I really appreciate team work of professional teachers of "Godeby school". Review of my personal goals and individual learning peculiarities helped to figure out how to make my French course effective, motivating and very interesting. I have noticed your strong willingness to help during the learning process, continuous interaction, participation, flexibility, attention to details and result-orientation. I am impressed with all team member's professionalism and enthusiasm that encouraged me to do my best. I am excited to continue my next French levels challenges with you!
Ruben Crocchiola
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Learning French with you was an amazing experience, thanks to your capacity to adapt to any type of conversation. I had a lot of fun during this pleaseant journey and I would recommend you as a nice and professional teacher to my colleagues and friends.
Luca Scalet
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My experience with Isabelle was very good. I appreciated the flexibility of the courses and the fact that we tailored my learning to what I was really interested in. I liked the focus on current affairs, for instance when we read articles from the newspapers, as this is a way to learn not only French but also to see how it can be used to understand what is going on in the world.
Ewa & Kamil K.
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Isabelle is a very kind and professional person. Learning with her is a pleasure and fun! Thanks to the French course you led for us in Switzerland! I was able to understand basic communication in French (incl. Official commune letters) in just few months!!! Merci beaucoup!
Damian Jach
A0>A2 + FIDE
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When you are busy with professional work and at the same time you decide to learn French it is not easy to connect all of it together. Isabelle and her French teachers will help you to move on. They are demanding but this is only helping you to achieve your learning goals. The French lessons were always well prepared and plan forward using the methodology developed by Isabelle. I was not always as well prepared ;-D. You may give up but Isabelle will not, supporting you to do achieve your goals.
Ketaki Sood
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J’ai repris des cours pour améliorer mes conversations et préparer des entretiens d’embauche. J’ai reçu beaucoup de conseils pertinents. J’ai beaucoup apprécié l’adaptation du prof à mes objectifs, comme simuler une discussion avec un recruteur, et la transcription des dialogues.
Brad Watson
A0>A1 + FIDE
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The experience was largely excellent. Isabelle is a kind and warm person with true teaching skills. I received personal recommendation to learn better and progress. This was ongoing and crucial. And it was essential to my progress. Life often got in the way, and Isabelle was able to easily pivot. The material was plentiful and helpful. I enjoyed the most the personal attention to learning goals and styles. Isabelle is clearly a linguistic expert. Thank you so much for your work and persistence!
Ela J.
A1>A2 + FIDE
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I can strongly recommend. Isabelle is a very positive and understanding person, able to adapt her teaching method to every student, with her teaching experiences over the years. She not only teaches the language, but adds in information and knowledge about the world that makes our lessons and meetings very interesting. I highly appreciate Isabelle’s knowledge and unique skills as a language teacher.
Sarah P.
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I took private classes with Isabelle who always came with a variety of pre-prepared material relevant to my learning needs. She teaches in a well structured manner with attention to detail, while allowing for flexibility during lessons should the topic lead to other discussion. She is very strong on points of grammar and explaining structures. A very supportive and engaged teacher.
Anya V.
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Isabelle is a passionate and dedicated professional who is committed to the success of her students. I definitely benefited from her tailor-made approach and lessons, particularly in terms of my confidence in using spoken and written French at work. I can confidently recommend her as a teacher for students with different levels and language development needs.
Martina N.
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I would recommend this school to anyone who wants to not only level up the language comprehension, but also get to know the origins and actuals of francophone culture. My one-to-one lessons were active, engaging, combined basic structure and the vocabulary in conversations, listening and writing exercises. The overall aim was to associate the grammar concept with a concrete example one would remember better and use. I started with more intensive approach of 6-8h a week in person, and switched to slower pace 2-3h week and remote lessons during the pandemic – the prof was able to use multiple technological platforms- accordingly to my preferences. The lessons would follow a structure but the content was tailored according to my needs and wishes ( work specific). I found the professor professional, knowledgeable and human. Comprehending language part time at 35yo while working full time, or attending family is not the same like doing it at 20yo as full time student. I am happy about my progress and will definitely work with them to get ready for the next certification.
Eugenia Panato
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Isabelle m’a initié au français lorsque j’ai déménagé en Suisse et ne pouvais pas parler un mot de français. Grâce à elle, j’ai rapidement appris les bases et été capable de communiquer sans me sentir complètement étrangère. Mon expérience d’apprentissage avec Isabelle a été de loin la meilleure que j’ai jamais eue dans l’apprentissage d’une nouvelle langue: Isabelle a adapté le programme d’apprentissage à mes besoins et à ma capacité à consacrer du temps libre pour étudier (très peu compte tenu du temps de travail et de la famille), ce qui rend l’expérience d’apprentissage très agréable, mais efficace. L’approche d’Isabelle est très professionnelle et en même temps très personnelle, il était naturel de devenir amies et chaque cours était un moment tellement agréable pour moi. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un professionnel très qualifié, capable d’adapter l’expérience d’apprentissage à vos besoins, avec Isabelle vous serez entre de bonnes mains. Merci Isabelle !
Kristen Mckibben
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Isabelle is an adaptable, keen, and attentive teacher that I highly recommend to anyone looking to quickly learn a foreign language. Her classes are immersive and designed specifically for each student. My husband and I both took French (starting A1) and we progressed differently through separate lesson formats that suited both our professional and personal backgrounds with necessary tweaks for our own learning preferences. Specifically, I have a mild auditory processing disorder (like dyslexia but with sound). Isabelle is the first teacher to successfully explain phonetic sounds in a tractable way for me. Her lessons were fun and built confidence regardless of skill. Not to mention, she is a very kind person with a wit to match!
Ketaki Sood
préparation au DELF A2
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Isabelle est une professeure fantastique. Elle m’a aidée à une phase critique de ma préparation à l’examen DELF A2. Elle est très rigoureuse et elle m’a donné beaucoup de conseils pour améliorer ma confiance.
Samuel S.
Corrections et rédactions
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Isabelle est une référence fiable pour tous mes besoins en langue. Que ce soit pour un document administratif, une lettre de motivation ou une communication professionnelle, j’ai toujours pu compter sur ses corrections précises et ses conseils avisés.
Laura Giaquinto
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Isabelle est une grande professionnelle, elle sait mettre ses élèves et ses collègues à l’aise afin de travailler dans une ambiance productive et dynamique. Amoureuse de la langue française, elle sait trouver les mots et les activités pour intéresser ses élèves et leur permettre de progresser dans un cadre serein.
Librairie Droz
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Madame Godeby a abordé de nombreux aspects du métier d’éditeur, en particulier d’érudition. Elle s’est occupée du service de presse [… et ainsi] de la recension [et du] contact avec les auteurs […]. Elle a aussi circulé dans deux autres services, celui de la fabrication et celui de la publication, avec la vérification d’épreuves, la correction de quatrièmes de couverture et la préparation de manuscrits. I. G. a également contrôlé plusieurs camera ready copies d’un point de vue formel, repérant d’ultimes coquilles. Elle a encore tenu à jour nos annonces sur FB, Instagram et Twitter. Nous avons apprécié l’esprit d’initiative d’I.G. Nous lui souhaitons une belle carrière professionnelle.
The P. family.
A1, A2 et B1
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Our family moved to Switzerland when our son was 13 years old  –  he had very little French (three words to be precise!), he felt lost in a fog of foreign language and struggled to make friends. Then he met Isabelle  –  her patience, kindness and fun lessons encouraged him to explore his new French speaking world. He now has a credible French accent, is no longer afraid of making the odd mistake and even goes to the local take out  –  on his own and orders in French for the family and his new friends. Thank you Isabelle for helping our son understand that challenges in life are there to be conquered, not feared. Merci, nous vous serons toujours reconnaissants.
Tamara Gorsek Bobanac
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Isabelle Godeby was my first teacher of French language when I moved from Serbia to Switzerland. Beside that she is French girl highly educated in French, she has great attitude. She is friendly and open minded person with high level of English language. She has demonstrated a lot of patience and pedagogical features working with me. She helped me to make very good beginner base and thanks to her I had a good start with French language.
Julia (16 ans)
A0>B1 + DELF Junior B1
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Isabelle est une prof amusante et bienveillante. Elle trouve toujours une façon créative et intéressante de m’enseigner de nouvelles choses. Chaque fois que j’ai une question, elle est prête à y répondre et à approfondir le sujet ; et elle peut aussi m’aider pour mes devoirs en français donnés par l’école. Elle a aussi beaucoup de savoirs dans différents domaines : les langues, l’Histoire, etc. Je finis toujours le cours avec une meilleure connaissance et plus de compréhension de la langue française.
Enton Siqeca
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I had a great experience learning with Isabelle and enjoyed our conversations. Her knowledge of the language and patience in teaching was remarkable. Our sessions helped me be more confident in my day to day interactions with French speakers and for that I am thankful.
Kristina J.
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Once well recognised international language course company told me I set too high bar for French teacher. And I will not find one with all the qualifications I want. But then I’ve met Isabelle who exceeded my expectations from day one. She addressed all my concerns, needs, particular interests. She kept me motivated during the long term course and significantly improved my confidence in being able to work professionally in French.
Pack : B2 "fluency"
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J'ai pris un pack de 10 heures pour travailler ma prononciation et corriger les fautes de structure phrase. D'abord, Isabelle a rapidement compris ma façon d’apprendre: j’aime bien comprendre la logique derrière les règles. Alors, elle a préparé des conseils et petits trucs utiles pour m’aider à m'améliorer rapidement et à comprendre les différentes règles de la langue française. Le programme était pertinent par rapport à mes objectifs. Parfois, on a modifié l’ordre des cours et on a adapté le contenu selon mes progrès et mes besoins à ce moment-là. Isabelle m’a beaucoup aidée à travailler sur ma prononciation. J’ai vraiment apprécié ses conseils. Ils étaient très utiles et pertinents. J’ai apprécié tout le matériel partagé au cours du programme, surtout les exemples et exercices! Merci beaucoup pour tout!!! C'était une très belle rencontre :) Je suis ravie que nos chemins se soient croisés!
A0>B1 + FIDE
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The approach is highly personalised, friendly and supportive, which has helped me tremendously with my confidence to learn. Isabelle is an excellente teacher.
Eleonora Pinto
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C'est grâce à ce cours que j'ai trouvé un peu plus de confiance pour m'exprimer en français. Isabelle a su me mettre à l'aise dans la conversation et est toujours prête à me proposer des activités utiles pour travailler sur mes points faibles. Et ce que je préfère : les débats et les digressions sur l’étymologie des mots et des expressions françaises !